What Builds A Sense of Community?


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Socialisation refers to the process of teaching a person the norms and expectations that are necessary for participating in a society. People learn these norms through the interaction they have with others, including family members, peers, and teachers.

According to sociologists, socialisation has three primary goals: teach impulse control and develop a conscience; prepare people to perform certain social roles; and cultivate shared sources of meaning and value.


Interaction is the meaningful contact between people, whether it takes the form of talking, looking, sharing, or engaging in some kind of action. It is the building block of a sense of community, and can make communities more pleasant places to live.

It also can increase equity by encouraging people of different economic levels to mix and develop relationships. This may help people to connect with friends and family who are at the bottom of their social ladder, and it can lead to employment opportunities that can allow them to improve their lives.


Getting involved in community activities is an important way to build a sense of belonging and a positive social climate. It’s also a great way to make friends and learn new skills.

Participation is a critical building block for a sense of community because it gives people a chance to share their experiences and perspectives on community issues. It can also give people a sense of self-worth and make them feel valued.


One of the key building blocks of a strong community is support. Whether it’s from family members, friends, coworkers or online support groups, having a solid network can be lifesaving at times.

A sense of belonging can make even the most challenging times a little easier to manage, and research shows that it’s not just about feeling happy: having a strong support system can also improve your health and well-being.

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